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Certified translations

The Certified Translations Service is tailored for expatriates in France who require accurate and officially recognized translations of their documents. This service ensures that various documents, such as legal, academic, or personal records, are professionally translated and certified for official use in French administrative processes.


Time & Pricing

1 / Time

Regular Translation: 2 to 3 days

Certified Translation: The timeframe for certified translations depends on the volume and complexity of the documents. Typically, it takes a few days to a couple of weeks.

2 / Pricing

Costs are based on the number of words, complexity, and certification requirements. Package pricing varies based on partner fees and any additional services included.

Who is it for ?

Expatriates and foreign residents in France requiring certified translations of documents for legal, academic, or administrative purposes.

Follow up Process

We remain available for ongoing support related to the certified translation service or with regards to additional requirements.

Get In Touch

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