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Relocating to France with Family: The Ultimate Guide for Expats

Relocating to France with your family can be a transformative experience, but it requires careful planning. Whether you're moving for work, a better quality of life, or to experience the French lifestyle, this guide will walk you through every important aspect of the relocation process. From securing visas to finding the right schools, housing, and healthcare, we've got you covered.

Table of Contents

  • Why Relocating to France is Ideal for Families

  • Family Visas and Residency in France

  • Finding Family-Friendly Cities in France

  • Education System and Schools for Expat Children

  • Healthcare for Families in France

  • Housing Options for Families: Renting vs. Buying

  • Work Permits and Job Opportunities for Expat Families

  • The Cost of Living in France for Families

  • Language Schools and Integration for Children

  • Childcare Options for Expats in France

  • Legal Requirements for Living in France with Family

  • Navigating Family Life in France Post-Brexit

  • Settling in France: Connecting with Expat Communities

  • Challenges and Benefits of Family Relocation to France

  • Final Thoughts on Moving to France with Family

Why Relocating to France is Ideal for Families

France offers families an exceptional quality of life, with a slower pace, rich culture, and a strong emphasis on work-life balance. If you're moving from the UK or US, you'll find that France's family-friendly amenities such as parks, education systems, and healthcare are among the best in the world.

For families, the French education system, well-developed infrastructure, and affordable housing make it a highly attractive destination. Additionally, France's deep cultural roots and family-oriented lifestyle make it ideal for raising children in a nurturing environment.

Relocating to France with Family

Benefits for Families:

  • A world-class education system.

  • Comprehensive and affordable healthcare.

  • Family-friendly cities with green spaces and top-notch amenities.

  • Affordable housing options compared to other parts of Europe.

Family Visas and Residency in France

The first step to relocating to France with your family is obtaining the right visas. Non-EU families will need to apply for a long-stay visa (visa de long séjour), which allows you to stay for more than 90 days. Upon arrival, this visa can be converted into a Carte de Séjour (residency permit).

To apply for a France family visa, you will need to provide:

  • Proof of accommodation in France.

  • Proof of sufficient financial resources to support your family.

  • Health insurance covering your family's stay.

Once in France, you can apply for permanent residency after five years.

Tip: Visit the official French Visa Website to stay up to date with the latest visa requirements.

Finding Family-Friendly Cities in France

For Family-friendly cities in France offering a balance of urban amenities and open green spaces. When choosing a city, consider access to quality education, healthcare facilities, and affordable housing.

Top Cities for Expats:

  • Bordeaux: Known for its elegant architecture, cultural scene, and top-tier schools, Bordeaux is a prime choice for expat families.

  • Lyon: As France’s second-largest city, Lyon provides an excellent mix of city life and family-friendly neighborhoods.

  • Toulouse: Popular for its tech industries and affordable cost of living, Toulouse offers expat families great employment opportunities and educational institutions.

  • Nantes: A sustainable city with eco-friendly initiatives and plenty of parks, ideal for families looking for a green and healthy environment.

Relocating to France with Family

Education System and Schools for Expat Children

France has a highly regarded education system, and expat families can choose between public, private, or international schools. Public schools are free, but many expat families prefer international schools, where children can follow curricula from their home country.

Types of Schools:

  • Public Schools: Free for residents and provide a French curriculum.

  • Private Schools: Fees apply, but they offer a more flexible curriculum.

  • International Schools: Cater to expat families with bilingual education in languages like English and French.

Choosing the right school depends on the age of your children, their language abilities, and how long your family plans to stay in France.

Healthcare for Families in France

France has one of the best healthcare systems globally, providing accessible and affordable services to all residents, including expats. The public healthcare system (CPAM) covers most medical costs, while expats often opt for private top-up insurance for additional coverage.

Once you have your residency permit, you can register with the local CPAM office to receive your Carte Vitale, which grants access to public healthcare for your family.

Key Features:

  • High-quality medical care.

  • Public healthcare covers most services, but private insurance can fill any gaps.

  • Extensive coverage for children and family members.

Housing Options for Families: Renting vs. Buying

When relocating to France, expat families must decide whether to rent or buy a home. Renting is the preferred option for those new to the country or staying short-term. In contrast, buying a home may be the right move for families planning to stay long-term.


  • Shorter-term commitment.

  • Easier process for new expats.

  • Rental prices vary greatly by region, with Paris being the most expensive.


  • A good option for those planning to settle long-term.

  • Requires signing a pre-sale contract (compromise de vente) and hiring a notary.

Tip: Cities like Montpellier and Nantes offer affordable housing options for families compared to major cities like Paris.

Work Permits and Job Opportunities for Expat Families

If you're relocating to France for work, obtaining a work permit is essential. EU citizens don’t require a work permit, but non-EU expats will need to secure a job offer before moving. The employer will then apply for the work permit on your behalf.

Popular Industries:

  • IT and Technology: Thriving in cities like Paris and Lyon.

  • Healthcare and Education: Consistently in demand across France.

LSI keyword: Finding jobs in France for expats with family.

The Cost of Living in France for Families

Understanding the cost of living is crucial when planning your family relocation. Housing, education, healthcare, and groceries are the major components of your monthly expenses.

Average Monthly Costs for a Family of Four:

  • Housing: €1,000 to €2,500 depending on the city.

  • Groceries: €300 to €600.

  • Utilities: €150 to €300.

  • Education: Public schools are free; international schools may cost between €10,000 and €30,000 annually.

Relocating to France with Family

Language Schools and Integration for Children

Moving to France with non-French speaking children can be challenging, but there are language schools designed specifically to help expat kids integrate smoothly. Enrolling them in bilingual schools or French immersion programs can be highly beneficial.

Childcare Options for Expats in France

France offers excellent childcare options, such as crèches (daycare centers) and gauderies (after-school care). The state subsidizes much of the childcare, making it affordable for families.

Legal Requirements for Living in France with Family

To live in France long-term, expats need to comply with legal requirements, including:

  • Residency permits.

  • Registering for healthcare.

  • Paying taxes and other financial obligations.

Navigating Family Life in France Post-Brexit

For UK families, post-Brexit relocation to France means new visa and residency requirements. UK citizens now need long-stay visas, much like non-EU citizens. It’s essential to familiarize yourself with the updated rules to ensure a smooth transition.

Settling in France: Connecting with Expat Communities

Building connections with fellow expat families can help ease your transition into French life. Expat communities provide emotional support, practical advice, and networking opportunities.

Challenges and Benefits of Family Relocation to France

Relocating with a family comes with challenges like navigating language barriers and bureaucracy. However, the benefits—like high-quality education, healthcare, and a rich cultural experience—make it worthwhile.

Final Thoughts on Moving to France with Family

Relocating to France with your family is a big decision, but with the right planning, it can be incredibly rewarding. Whether it’s for work, lifestyle, or education, France has a lot to offer families seeking a high-quality, balanced life. If you're ready to make the move, Come Live in France can help you with all the details of the relocation process.


  1. What are the best family-friendly cities in France?

    • Cities like Bordeaux, Lyon, and Toulouse are excellent for expat families due to their family-oriented communities and good schooling.

  2. How can I apply for a family visa in France?

    • You can apply through the official French visa website. Ensure you meet the financial and accommodation requirements.

  3. What is the cost of living in France for expat families?

    • The cost of living depends on the city but typically ranges from €2,000 to €4,500 monthly for a family of four, covering housing, groceries, education, and healthcare.

  4. How does the education system work in France for expat children?

    • Expats can choose between public, private, and international schools depending on language skills and family preferences.

  5. Is French healthcare good for expats with families?

    • Yes, French healthcare is highly rated and offers affordable, comprehensive care for both residents and expats.



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